100% made in France production from Paris to Laval via the Auvergne
100% made in France production
Our silk route is French! From the moment we buy our silk in France, it is a regional journey, from Paris (CREATION) to Laval (PRINTING) to Auvergne (SEWING), to finish by Laval for the sending.
A meeting above all
AMICALEMENT SOI – It is the story of an encounter between its creator and the Feinte family’s “Les tissus d’Avesnières” in Laval. Since its creation in 1881 in Armentières, the textile company has remained 100% family owned. It seeks to perpetuate the tradition of printing while actively following the latest developments in manufacturing techniques. Tissus d’Avesnières prepares, dyes, prints and finishes furnishing fabrics, table linen and textiles for leather goods in its factory in Laval.
A traditional workshop
A few kilometres from Lyon, in Montchal, is our second factory “SIFT” which receives our printed silk. In expert hands, the silk is cut and sewn meticulously. The roulotté, the finishing of our foulard, is a know-how of the Lyon region. Each square is then finished by hand by the fairy fingers of our seamstresses in this beautiful family factory. A few kilometres from Lyon, in Montchal, is our second factory “SIFT” which receives our printed silk. In expert hands, the silk is cut and sewn meticulously. The roulotté, the finishing of our foulard, is a know-how of the Lyon region. Each square is then finished by hand by the fairy fingers of our seamstresses in this beautiful family factory.
Come back to Laval…
The foulards then sent back to Laval for packaging, a recycled cardboard pack provided by a French factory that we have personalised with the “Tampons de Paris”. Once the packages are ready, it’s the turn of the shipments so that these « Amicalement Soi » foulards become Amicalement Votre!
Combining know-how, tradition and Made in France, the proximity of our workshops is essential. But always being able to do better, the exploration of new ethical materials is our next challenge. Stay Tuned!